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Other labels

  • Refining
    Open ICT Hbo
    Currently refining. Conversing about and confirming the User Story (includes using INVEST and vertical slicing)
  • Ready for sprint
    Open ICT Hbo
    Cards refined for future sprints. Cards, Conversate and Confirm have been executed. Is also refined for INVEST and vertical slicing.
  • Sprint
    Open ICT Hbo
    Going to do this sprint. Refined, ready, set go!
  • Doing
    Open ICT Hbo
    Currently working on this sprint.
  • Verify
    Open ICT Hbo
    Awaiting verification from a user, stakeholder or specialist.
  • Enabler
    Open ICT Hbo
    A story that does not have a direct value to the customer, but is important for development
  • Research
    Open ICT Hbo
    A story that will deliver research notulas and informational outcomes.
  • Learning
    Open ICT Hbo
    A story which does not have any deliverables, only for learning purposes.
  • Backlog
    Open ICT Hbo
    The backlog is a list of rough ideas for the product that still need to be refined. They are stalled for future refining.
  • Bug - Major
    Open ICT Hbo
    The defect affects major functionality or major data. It has a workaround but is not obvious and is difficult.
  • Bug - Critical
    Open ICT Hbo
    The defect affects critical functionality or critical data. It does not have a workaround.
  • Bug - Minor
    Open ICT Hbo
    The defect affects minor functionality or non-critical data. It has an easy workaround.
  • Bug - Trivial
    Open ICT Hbo
    The defect does not affect functionality or data. It does not even need a workaround. It does not impact productivity or efficiency. It is merely an inconvenience.
  • Spike - Technical
    Open ICT Hbo
    Is used more often for evaluating the impact new technology has on the current implementation that the team needs experiment a new technology to gain more confident for a desired approach before committing new functionality to a timebox.
  • Spike - Functional
    Open ICT Hbo
    Are used whenever there is significant uncertainty as to how a user might interact with the system. Functional spikes are often best evaluated through some level of prototyping.
  • Review::Done
    Open ICT Hbo
    The reviewer has assessed code and the developer can fix the threads.
  • Review::Re-Request
    Open ICT Hbo
    Threads in merge request have been fixed. Review can be re-done.
  • Review::Request
    Open ICT Hbo
    This merge request is requesting a review.
  • ⭐️ Main
    Open ICT Hbo
    This is a main branch's Merge request