Error Pages
As a user
I want to have an error page
So that I know when I have landed on a page that doesn't exist or when something went wrong
Extra Description
There should be an error page for when a user tries to visit a part of LeAn that is not accessible or when a user tries to visit a page that does not exist. These could be described as a 404 page (not found) and a 403 page (not allowed).
Acceptation criteria
Criterion for acceptance of the User Story
An error page for when u try to visit LeAn on a portfolio that is not yours -
An error page if the page does not exist -
The pages should have the same styling as Canvas to blend in better (instructure) -
The error page should be clear in what error occured -
The page could display a tip to fix the problem
To learn my wireframing skills and to have a clear idea of what must be created i have made some wireframes in Figma. See Learning story #118 (closed)
This template origin
Edited by Kevin de Meijer