Online master / alpha branches
As a Developer
I want to run my production and test environments online
So that I can test and use the code pushed automatically.
Extra Description
Currently, there is one stale branch (master). Within this branch, no code is being merged. Following the correct git-flow, this branch should have the production-ready code for the project.
With this enabler story, we want to have all branches active. Testing branch (alpha) active for testing online. Production branch (master) active for actual end-user usage on a live and active Canvas.
Acceptation criteria
Master branch has a production-ready code. -
Alpha branch has a test-ready code. -
Merge-request follow a stricter git-flow. -
Master branch is online and ready to be used by an external Canvas. -
Alpha branch is online and ready to be used by an internal (testing) Canvas. -
There is an internal (testing) Canvas.