- Dec 12, 2019
Ryan authored
Added the ability to retreive both Tasks and Skills from Assessment
ccf84717 -
Ryan authored
Added the ability to retreive either tasks or skills outcomes from assessment
f19b979c -
Ryan authored
Retreived from the live Routes object
ad59346f -
Ryan authored
Due to Public API MS request
8267e078 -
Ryan authored
Retreive all outcomes from subgroups iteratively
75ab1c46 -
Ryan authored
Changed the example url in Routes to an object for more controllable examples
4403a38a -
Ryan authored0cabbf10
Ryan authored6ab39012
Ryan authored
Changed the naming of Outcome types to be an actual type instead of just Outcomes
b8c2582c -
Ryan authored
Implemented the Routes object
f1c210f9 -
Ryan authored
Created an object for all the routes in its own dedicated folder. More descriptive and generative
49993c7a -
Ryan authored59723301
Ryan authored
Added the functionality to generate all the provisional outcomes of a course and its assignments
c97825b7 -
Ryan authored
Added a Cache management class
767f572e -
Ryan authored
Reverted the Axios Authorization header bearer token into static
2a0dae22 -
Ryan authored
Added the basic functionality for the Canvas API with Assignments and outcomes
436de303 -
Ryan authoredad96e25e
- Dec 10, 2019
- Dec 05, 2019
Ryan authored
Added a Koa router to the webserver
ce87ec4e -
Ryan authored
For easy development, a nodemon instance that auto reloads
9a5deae6 -
Ryan authored
Created a simple Koa server instance
37407500 -
Ryan authored
Typescript tslint and tsconfig configured for this specific project
cac6c6fb -
Ryan authored
Ignore everything prefixed with "local."