Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) && What's New Pop-up
#105 (closed)
ClosesAs a (questioning) student
I want to see frequently asked questions and their answers
So that I can see if my question was already asked (and answered)
Extra Description
As LeAn requires a specific way of handing in assignments that tends to go wrong a lot, we though it was a smart idea to expand on how to hand in an assignment and other Frequently Asked Questions.
Questions Users may have
- How do I create assignments
- Which elements are in the description
- Learning/user stories
- Onderbouwing
- Quality criteria
- Acceptance criteria
- Which rubrics within
- Including HBO-i
- Which settings within the assignment
- Which elements are in the description
Acceptation Criteria
A specific page for the FAQ -
Answers questions users may have
Quality Criteria
Website is maintainable / preservable -
Website is accessible -
Website is purposeful -
Website is user-friendly -
Website has been tested -
Good design is innovative. -
Good design is functional. -
A good design is thorough. -
A good design is as little design as possible. -
A good design is focused. -
#105 (closed))
What's New Pop-up (also closesAs a (questioning) student
I want to see what has changed within LeAn (in a simpler way) since the last version
So that I can see if any new features are relevant to me.
Extra Description
As LeAn gets constantly updated with new features and improvements, it would be handy for the user to see the best changes in a quick way.
Acceptation Criteria
A Pop-up that highlights with new features -
The pop-up is closable -
The pop-up is only visible when asked (the whats new button gets pressed)
Quality Criteria
Website is maintainable / preservable -
Website is accessible -
Website is purposeful -
Website is user-friendly -
Website has been tested -
Good design is innovative. -
Good design is functional. -
A good design is thorough. -
A good design is as little design as possible. -
A good design is focused. -
Edited by Kevin de Meijer